Henrique Oliveira


Get the Full Potency of your Data

Welcome to the HO portfolio webpage! 🧑‍💻 As a data scientist, I aim to create tools that facilitate data analysis for experts and amateurs. Let's work together and discover the full potential of your data. Here's how I can help:

Manipulate large data , create data visualization and machine learning models .

Develop intuitive and captivating data science reports .

Build interactive apps that enable real-time exploration of your data.

Manage a data analysis project through every stage of development until deployment .

What porfolio are you interested in?

created by

Henrique Oliveira


Known more About Me

Data-driven Mindset

BSc Chemical Engenieer & MS Energy Technology

Potuguese & Spanish & English

[email protected]

+55 (81) 99991-0182

Greetings! 🤝 As a skilled Brazilian engineer with 5 years of expertise in developing data science projects and providing valuable business insights to clients, I am here to help you unleash the full potential of your data.

Through my proficiency in data manipulation, visualization, machine learning models, statistical tests and interactive apps, I can assist you in optimizing your data and obtain important business insigths. Don't hesitate to contact me to get the best out of your data! 🙂

Academic Experience

Master in Energy Technology at the University of Pernambuco

Post-grad in Renewable Energy at the University of Pernambuco

Graduation in Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Pernambuco

Professional Experience

Data Scientist at Upwork . From November 2018 to Nowadays

Data Scientist at Arctoris . From May 2021 to November 2022

Data Scientist at Truss Investments. From December 2020 to May 2021

Clients Feedback

It was a pleasure working with Henrique
Arctoris Ltd
Henrique delivered good work on this python development project and I enjoyed working with him. His communication was top-notch, he met all deadlines, and his skills were reasonably strong. I enjoyed working with Henrique and will likely have additional jobs for him in the future.
Truss Investments
Excellent communication and expert in R. He solved my problem in one hour!
Spyridon Hab
Henrique is a fantastic data scientist. He helped me with a project that was specifically challenging for me. He not only was able to complete it on time but took the time to explain things to me in a way that I understood. I left more knowledgeable in R and machine learning as a whole. Thanks so much!
Axios Enterprises, LLC

created by

Henrique Oliveira


Interactive Apps

Table of Contents:

Real Estate Stock Analyzer

Biodiversity Analyzer

Stock Analyzer

Real Estate Stock Analyzer

created in May 2023

The app allows users to analyze Brazilian real estate stocks and manage their stock portfolio. The app contains interactive plots and a table of the available stock data. Furthermore, the user can add stocks to a portfolio by specifying the stock code and quantity.

  • tidyverse
  • shiny
  • yahoofinancer
  • bs4Dash
  • DT
  • fontawesome

Click to Access App

Biodiversity Analyzer

created in January 2023

The app displays information about the biodiversity in Poland. Allows the user to filter the data by date range, species type (kingdom), and species name (scientific or vernacular). To display the info the app contains four tabs: a map plot, a timeline line plot, a timeline bar plot, and a data table.

  • tidyverse
  • shiny
  • shinyWidgets
  • plotly
  • DT
  • leaflet

Click to Access App Click to Access Apps GitHub

Stock Analyzer

created in July 2022

A financial app for analyzing trends in your favourite SP 500 stocks. The app uses an API to get the stock data and allows users to analyze and visualize stock data. Users can customize settings such as moving averages and analysis time windows. Furthermore, users can also add or remove favorite stocks.

  • tidyverse
  • tidyquant
  • shiny
  • shinyWidgets
  • plotly
  • shinyjs

Click to Access App

created by

Henrique Oliveira


Data Science Reports

Table of Contents:

Russo-Ukrainian War Analysis

Solar Panels ROI Analysis

Books Text Analysis

Russo-Ukrainian War Analysis

created in February 2024

One of the most significant geopolitical crises of the twenty-first century is the war between Russia and Ukraine. This project uses data analysis to learn more about the state of the conflict.

  • tidyverse
  • quarto
  • plotly
  • kableExtra
  • bslib

Click to Access Report

Solar Panels ROI Analysis

created in October 2022

The project objective is to analyzes Solar Panels Return on Investment (ROI) in U.S.A. states, which is calculated by considering the investment cost, the money saved on energy, the money made by selling extra energy, and the incentives of federal/state tax credits.

  • tidyverse
  • rmarkdown
  • plotly
  • DT
  • htmltools

Click to Access Report

Books Text Analysis

created in July 2020

The article discusses the analysis of a dataset containing information on books written in English and Spanish. The dataset includes the title, category, and the total count of different types of word classes in the books.

  • tidyverse
  • rmarkdown
  • plotly
  • tidytext
  • stopwords
  • wordcloud2

Click to Access Report

created by

Henrique Oliveira
